Featured Flowers
Special offer: We are excited to introduce dazzling new seasonal assortments of preserved roses and sprayroses from RoseAmor™! Click the bloom below for more details.

The most important flower and our specialty. For our first few years in business, we sold only roses. Why? Because we wanted to dedicate ourselves to being a ‘go-to’ resource for floral professionals who were as passionate about them as we were.

It’s not all about roses at Zoom, of course. Before we began expanding our business to include other products in the early 2000s, we wanted to make sure we could source only the finest and freshest flowers and decorative greens. We now have trusted suppliers from many parts of the world. Let us show you what amazing seasonal and year-round products they are growing!

We are one of the original exclusive distributors of the RoseAmor™ line of world-renowned preserved roses in the United States. We carry an inventory of their best-selling products for immediate shipping and can place custom orders to get exactly what you are looking for.
Jump to their page and have a look at their stunning line of exceptional quality preserved roses, garden roses, and spray roses. Then, simply contact our sales team to place your order!
See more at RoseAmor
We are currently evaluating the possibility of carrying supplies, emphasizing the most-widely used products by retail florists. Our approach would be consistent with our overall way of working: focus on high-quality manufacturers and aggressive pricing to ensure we bring our customers real value and help them improve the profitability of their businesses.
We would appreciate any thoughts you could provide to help us make this decision. What floral supply items are of greatest interest to you? Please share your ideas with our sales team or feel free to leave comments on our Contact Us page.
Be sure to check back from time-to-time for an announcement should we decide to take Zoom Supplies from an idea to reality!
Contact us today