We are offering new assortments of preserved roses and sprayroses in a ‘Fall Mix’ and a ‘Christmas Mix’ for only $2.35/bloom!
View the sizes of RoseAmor™ blooms in these assortments.
Scroll down to see ‘Sizes’. The rose blooms will be size ‘LL+’ and the sprayrose blooms will be size ‘S’.
Fall Mix
These assortments will have the following colors in both roses and sprayroses.
View the RoseAmor™ color codes.
4 boxes of Orange (ORA 02)
4 boxes of Yellow (YEL 02)
2 boxes of Dark red (RED 01)
2 boxes of Clay (CLY 01)
Rose blooms are packed 6/box and sprayrose blooms are packed 12/box. The ‘Fall Mix’ is 12 boxes (6 roses & 6 sprayroses) with 108 blooms. With our Special Offer price of $2.35/bloom, the total for the ‘Fall Mix’ is $253.80 + shipping/delivery.
Call your Zoom salesperson for shipping/delivery estimates.
Christmas Mix
These assortments will have equal proportions of the following colors in both roses and sprayroses.
View the RoseAmor™ color codes.
4 boxes of Bright red (RED 02)
4 boxes of Pure white (WHI 01)
4 boxes of Dark green (GRE 02)
Rose blooms are packed 6/box and sprayrose blooms are packed 12/box. The ‘Christmas Mix’ is 12 boxes (6 roses & 6 sprayroses) with 108 blooms. With our Special Offer price of $2.35/bloom, the total for the ‘Christmas Mix’ is $253.80.
Call your Zoom salesperson for shipping/delivery estimates.
How to Order
What, exactly, are preserved roses?
- Our preserved products are not silk, air-dried or freeze-dried flowers.
- They are 100% real premium Ecuadorian roses.
- The quality of the natural rose to be preserved is of the utmost importance.
- 20+ years of experience has underscored the necessity of cultivating only the finest and best-adapted rose varieties for the preservation process.
- These premium roses are cut when they are at their most beautiful opening stage and treated with a mixture of glycerin and other natural plant elements to preserve the flower.
- After a few days of treatment, the roses are now preserved but they still have a very natural feel and appearance. A dying process then takes place to infuse the fabulous colors you see as a finished product.
- These roses will last for several years if not mistreated or exposed to harsh environmental conditions.